The Mckinney Portland branch is closed today 2/14 due to snow and ice in the area. We thank you for your understanding as we work to keep our staff, customers, and vendors safe. 

El Centro,

486 E. Chick Rd.
El Centro, CA 92243
Tel: 760-370-5844

Need Service? Send Email

Semi-Trailer Rentals In El Centro, California

Our El Centro branch offers immediate access from the 111 and 8 freeways. Housed on 30 acres of land, the El Centro branch is located toward the east port of entry and is less than 10 minutes from the Mexican border. This is ideal for international trade. The El Centro market is driven by retail, wholesale, manufacturing and agricultural industries, as well as a high number of farming, fishing and forestry jobs. El Centro is the largest city in the Imperial Valley.

Stop by any time to visit our facility and meet our amazing team:

Marcos Holguin
Operations Assistant
Mobile: 760-890-8481                                                                     Send Email
Enrique Gonzalez
Regional VP Sales
Mobile: 956-236-4778                                                                 

El Centro Equipment and Specials

The Mckinney branch in El Centro carries a full variety of equipment types including dry vans, refrigerated trailers, flatbeds, drop decks, storage trailers and specialized equipment, including liftgate trailers. The El Centro branch also offers a wide range of in-house maintenance and mobile maintenance services.

The Mckinney branch in El Centro just received some new 2024 53' dry van trailers. Call us today to see how we can meet your trailer needs!

Mckinney's Local Commitment


The El Centro branch is a member of the Chamber of Commerce of Otay Mesa and regularly attends meetings. The Mckinney branch in El Centro loves to network with customers in both California and Mexico, and are also active members of the California Trucking Association and Women in Trucking.


The El Centro branch participates in multiple CTA golf tournaments.

Upcoming Events

September 15 - 21, 2024 – Truck Driver Appreciation Week

See what we can do for you

Call us today to see how Mckinney in El Centro can help you to save money and grow your business!

Request a Quote